What makes a Good (right) Dental Lab

Be a Lucky Dentist

We all want great value for less price but people say “You get what you paid for” Conversely, when all cases and service become personal to the service providers, the quality goes up and the charge goes down. In this article I will help you to choose the dental Lab that can serve your practice to thrive and moreover can forge a great friendship and partnership which is the most valuable thing of all

Approved and certified good skill and using FDA approved materials and cases being crafted and milled in the USA and prompt deliveries are extremely basic and given factors and qualities to run the business as a dental Lab in America.  Hence without any further due (I will not discuss the common basic qualifications that every dental lab must have from the start) here are the lists of the requirements you must consider in choosing your new Lab for your practice that you can forge a reliable and dependable partnership that will last your entire practice years or maybe even further.

1. At least 15 years of Experience (Only long grinding time produces the Experts)

Experienced with many different and complex cases including evaluating the failures and success over the time for at least 15 years makes the Dental Lab finally reliable and trustworthy, for through those good and bad times, the labs earn the insightful knowledge, judgment, skills and ability to competently communicate and even give advice for alternative solutions to doctors and related practitioners.

Please discern the lab taken over by the newbies whom are keeping the brand name to continue the legacy they have not built.

2. Full-Service Lab

Labs that are specialized in few services and not providing traditional cases or cases other than they are specialized in are presumably only after one thing.  Perhaps Money is their King not You. And please also raise a question “Are they really that expertise in what they are specialized in?” and only way to find out is by sending cases to other Lab with more experiences and providing a variety of services and as a result you may will be surprised to finally encounter the quality service you never thought you could have.

3. Guaranteed Warranty and After Service

How many same Re-Do cases are done without extra charge?

It is very important question to raise, because you only charge fixed amount to patients and sometimes you have to compensate the patients for recurring visits over a same case and paying extra for re-dos on top of that is adding more stress to an already stressful situation moreover, most of the times I know you (doctors) are upset not for the extra spending but for the disappointing relationship.  Re-dos must be serviced without extra charge as long as doctors and patients are finally satisfied. And also, full warranty period must be applied to each and every case.

4. Open Lab – Guest Waiting Room

Presentable dental lab that welcomes visitors should be one of the decisive factors for dentists to choose the dental lab they start sending cases to. Because knowing that your valuable patient’s teeth(dental restorations) are handled in clean and well-organized environment is another way to entrust the Lab with the cases.  Organized and pleasant environment reduces the stress of the technicians, through which better dental restorations are produced.

Also, comfortable guest waiting area is mandatory for the patients coming in for custom shade. No Doctor would like to send their patients to the dental lab that does not provide the welcoming environment for their valuable patients.

Call your Dental Lab today to schedule a tour or Contact Maestro Dental Studio for your in-person or on-line visit.

Be the Lucky Dentist as all Maestro’s partners are!!

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