Maestro Dental Studio


Zirconia Crown

Zirconia Crown

Maestro Full Zirconia Crown

Molars for low translucency but higher strength (1200MPA)

Maestro Full Translucency Zirconia Crown

Premolars to premolars for higher translucency but lower strength (700 MPA)

Maestro Arts Layered Zircoina Crown

Highly aesthetic for single tooth to full mouth (700 MPA)

Inlay / onlay / Post

Zirconium onlays, caps or crowns are similar in design to Procera with a two layer system. This porcelain option is used commonly for anterior bridges and implant abutments. Zirconium has no capability of bonding and should not be used for veneers. The high opacity and unnatural whiteness of the strong zirconium base coping can require more tooth reduction to give room to conceal it with a thicker veneering porcelain layer. There are many brands of this product and some have higher clinical success rates.